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Transit Police
Taxonomy Code: FL-8750
Law enforcement agencies that provide protection for public transit patrons, personnel and facilities. Their mandate is to prevent and investigate crimes committed against the carrier, against passengers or other customers of the carrier, or those committed on the carrier's property. A transit police force may consist of officers employed directly by a local bus transit company, a rail company providing urban mass transit, a ferry service/port authority or other transit provider; or it may exist as a specialized unit of a local police agency. Depending on the jurisdiction, they may have full police authority including arrest powers on and off property, or they may have limited authority similar to a private security firm. Crimes typically investigated by transit police include trespassing on the right-of-way of a railroad; assaults against passengers; tagging or graffiti on railroad rolling stock, buses or bus stops; pick pocketing; ticket fraud; robbery; theft of personal belongings, baggage or freight; and drug-dealing at transit stations.