Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Inverse Condemnation Actions/Condemnation Appeals

Taxonomy Code: FT-2465.3300

Programs that represent property owners who wish to appeal condemnation/expropriation actions under eminent domain statutes, for example on grounds that "public use" is not involved (as in cases involving use of eminent domain for economic development, enhancing tax revenue or transferring private property to another private entity); who wish to argue that the compensation offered does not represent the fair market value; or who seek compensation from the government for such actions when the government denies that a "taking" has occurred. The latter situation can arise in a variety of ways. The government might, for example, engage in conduct that destroys the landowner's ability to use and enjoy the property, such as by building an airstrip next to the property and flying planes over it, or cutting off or polluting the flow of water to the land. The government might also obstruct the landowner's access to the property with water or debris, as where dynamiting operations block the road to the landowner's property.

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