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African Restaurants
Taxonomy Code: PL-1800.0250
Eating establishments that offer the cuisine of East and West Africa which utilizes a variety of ingredients including hot peppers, peanuts, bananas, yams, plaintains and okra. Specialties may include cassava soup, shrimp pilli pilli (shrimp in hot pepper sauce), yam balls with nutmeg, yassa a poulet de la casamance (chicken marinated in lemon and onion then broiled), akara (beans in palm oil), groundnut stew (beef, chicken or other meat with peanuts and spices), asamo (mixed grill), galinha muamba (an Angolan dish of chicken fried in palm nut oil with hot chilies, onions and vegetables), mussala (Kenyan curry), moin-moin (black-eyed peas with salmon or shrimp and vegetables), collard greens and cabbage and a variety of other regional dishes.
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