Service Tree

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Polish Restaurants

Taxonomy Code: PL-1800.6700

Eating establishments that offer the cuisine of Poland which features dishes such as beet soup, summer soups made from berries and other fruit, zimne nozki (meat and vegetable aspic), herring in cream sauce, whole fish poached in sour cream with horseradish, kaczka z jablkami (roast duckling with apple stuffing), kielbasi (smoked sausages with garlic), sauerkraut and sausage stew, czarnina (duck soup), bigos (a hunter's stew which combines vegetables, fruits and leftover game), pierogi (huge dumplings with a choice of fillings including potatoes and sauerkraut), golabki (stuffed cabbage in tomato sauce) and a wide variety of breads and pastries. Beverages may include tea, fruit juice and Polish beer.

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