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Subdivision Plat Review/Approval

Taxonomy Code: TE-4510.4550-825

Programs that evaluate requests to change the boundaries of a specific lot, tract or parcel of land to create larger or smaller divisions for the purpose of development or sale; and which approve or deny requests based on the local general plan, applicable specific/area plans, and zoning, subdivision and other ordinances which govern the design of subdivisions, the size of its lots and the types of infrastructure improvements that are required. The approval process generally involves several stages: a pre-application conference during which the municipality’s code enforcement staff familiarizes the developer with the local development regulations (including impact fees, dedication of land and required infrastructure improvements), reviews a sketch drawing of the proposed project and identifies any potential problems that the proposed subdivision may cause to either public infrastructure systems or other developments; submission and review of a preliminary legal plat (a subdivision map with approximate scale and dimensions); completion of required infrastructure improvements (e.g., roads and sewer and water connections to each lot within the subdivision); and submission, approval and recording of the final plat. The developer generally has the option of securing the required improvements by bond to guarantee their construction. After the subdivision is recorded, individual lots may be sold to different property owners, who then submit a site plan for their proposed project. Site plans may also be submitted by the developer and approval secured prior to a sale. The final step in the process is formal acceptance of the infrastructure improvements by the jurisdiction when all of the required improvements have been made and accepted.

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