Service Tree

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Business Plan Development

Taxonomy Code: TP-6600.1000

Programs that help nonprofit organizations, small businesses and other groups that are in the process of considering a new venture or restructuring current products and services develop a business plan which constitutes the combination of a marketing plan, a strategic plan, an operational/management plan and a financial plan. Business plans generally include an executive summary which states the purpose of the organization, its legal standing and the goals of the business plan; a description of the organization, its services, location, management structure, personnel, method of record keeping, insurance and security; an analysis of the market including an industry description and outlook, target market information, market test results, lead times, and an evaluation of the competition; financial documents including a summary of the organization's financial needs, a budget, a three-year projection, actual performance standards, balance sheet, income statement and financial history; and appendices for supporting documents, e.g., credit history (personal and business), resumes of key managers, letters of reference, contracts and other legal documents.

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