Service Tree

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PCP Use Disorders

Taxonomy Code: YF-8000.1800-640

A disorder that is characterized by use of phencyclidene (known as PCP or angel dust), an analgesic with hallucinogenic properties that is used as an anesthetic by veterinarians. Its illicit use is as a liquid which is sprayed on parsley or used as a dip for cigarettes or marijuana sticks (known as sherms) which are then smoked. PCP produces a variety of effects in humans including increased heart rate and blood pressure, sensory distortions, disorientation, insensitivity to pain, aggressiveness, withdrawal, paranoia and violent or bizarre behavior. Negative side effects of PCP use include the risk of psychosis, vulnerability to accidents associated with bouts of bizarre behavior, flashbacks, and occasionally convulsions, coma and death from heart and lung failure or ruptured blood vessels in the brain.

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