Service Tree

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Taxi Drivers/Chauffeurs

Taxonomy Code: YO-8500.8500

Individuals who help passengers get to and from their homes, workplaces and recreational pursuits such as dining, entertainment and shopping. They also help out-of-town business people and tourists get around in unfamiliar surroundings. Taxi drivers may cruise the streets to pick up random passengers, prearrange pickups or pick up passengers from taxi stands established in areas of high traffic. In urban areas, the majority of passengers "wave down" drivers cruising the streets. Customers may also prearrange a pickup by calling a cab company and giving a location, approximate pickup time and destination. The cab company dispatcher then relays the information to a driver by two-way radio, cellular telephone or onboard computer. Outside of urban areas, the majority of trips are dispatched in this manner. Drivers also pick up passengers waiting at cabstands or in taxi lines at airports, train stations, hotels, restaurants and other places where people frequently seek taxis. Chauffeurs operate limousines, vans and private cars for limousine companies, private businesses, government agencies and wealthy individuals. Chauffeur service differs from taxi service in that all trips are prearranged.

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